Mary Anns has turned one :-)

Mary Anns has turned one :-)

Thursday, 8 November 2007

081107 - UK

MAC was with me for 2,5 hours and with Neil for about an hour. I think we have a new plan now. We will try to have her on turn both of us on the same day. Instead of just one of us a hole day. That will also fit better with how I expect the plan will be when we can take her home. We discussed that. And having her alone on turn will fit very well. Both with my health since I might not be able to sit with her for that long in one go. But also with the fact that I’m more fresh in the morning and Neil in the evening. In that way it will end up with us having her half a night each. It’s nice to have that sorted already. Then we know that we should try in the period when we have to be hospitalized with her. Even though that might take some weeks yet. I guess it would be round December and then we can take her home middle of December.
She has gained weight again. Now she is 1275g.
Today’s practical things where first and foremost for Neil to talk to his boss. We really need to have the paper works in order now. On paper it is Neil’s last sick (just because of MAC) leave day. But what then? Is it okay for them that Neil takes all the maternity leave? Speaking of paper work. I also have a lot on my desk from the last weeks. I need to organise our life again. Today I got some things done. I’m more relaxed after organising things again.

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