Mary Anns has turned one :-)

Mary Anns has turned one :-)

Saturday, 10 November 2007

101107 - UK

Okay. MAC’s lungs are working just fine. Today I heard her scream for the first time. And so did the rest of the ward. The nurse came running from down the hall. She was amazed that something that small can make a noise like that. MAC defiantly has a strong mind and a good set of lungs. And the reason for her scream? The miss (read MAC) wanted me to stop talking with another mum. So I had to keep quiet and make her comfy. I guess the rules are set now. I have been longing to hear her voice as other mums could their babies’ voices. Today was simply the day.
Another nurse told us another story about her strong will power. MAC had single-handed crawled from the bottom of the incubator and up to the other site. I describe it as up, because the mattress is raised with several degrees. So it is crawling “up hill” for MAC. When the nurse saw that, she just had to call another nurse from another room to see it. They where so amazed about it. Yes, our Mary Ann is very amazing! Can’t you all see that? :-)
I also want my family to see that. So I went to my grand ma today at the old-age home. I tried to tell her that she’s now a great grand ma. But in those weeks I have been sick and haven’t seen her, she has totally lost it. She is so dement now, that she didn’t even wanted to talk with Neil and I. It was very difficult for me to see that big chance. It makes me very sad. I would so much love for her to understand that she has come to become a great grand ma. It is really gloomy.

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