Mary Anns has turned one :-)

Mary Anns has turned one :-)

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

131107 - UK

MAC has been okay lying in the crib without warm water mattress and without the protection from the sounds as in the incubator. So that is also working out fine. She now has 30ml formula 8 times a day over 1,1/4 hour. The nurse in the night had been taking a new photo of MAC simply because MAC looked so cute with her eyes wide open sucking on her new best friend. A very big friend ...

I simply can’t explain how fantastic it was today sitting with her without all the cords. I could hold her in my arms, walk around with her, have her in front of my face, make contact with her face to face, look at her for hours and so I did. I just wanted to cry in all those hours I sat with her. It was a totally new experience for me today. I really felt; this is my baby and I’m bonding with her!
In the evening we fetched Cecilie with us to the hospital. She changed MAC’s nappy like a professional. She just lifted MAC’s legs up, took her nappy of and a new on in few movements. Neil had to be very quick with the camera.

Cecilie acted less nervous then Neil and I were at our first time to change MAC. Cecilie sat with MAC the rest of the evening. MAC tried to get to know Cecilie better by biting in Cecilie’s shirt. I think MAC could have been biting Cecilie’s finger without Cecilie getting upset with her. Cecilie is such a good big sister. We can’t be anything but proud of her and her caring reactions towards MAC.

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